
Garden Tips & Hints

  • Your garden site should get 6-8 hours sun per day or more on gentle slope.
  • Keep your garden away from trees and large shrubs due to shade.
  • If your soil is extremely rocky or hard, plant in raised beds.
  • Improve your soil with compost, leaves, grass clippings, and manure.
  • Plant perennial veggies to one side: herbs, raspberry, rhubarb, strawberry.
  • Plant mint all by itself.
  • Make raised bed gardens 6-8” high and 4’ across.
  • For clay or rocky soil, add black loam, peat and organic material.
  • Leave about a 2’ wide pathway and cover with black plastic and layer of bark, wood chips or pebbles.
  • Use redwood or green treated boards to contain beds.
  • Surround the garden area with a 6’ chicken wire fence, with 6” buried in ground to dissuade burrowing critters.
  • Make organic mulch from pine needles, straw, grass clippings, and shredded leaves.
  • Make organic fertilizer from manure, compost, bloodmeal, bone meal, and seaweed.
  • Use succession planting to get multiple yields per season.
  • Vertical gardening: fence, trellis, poles, sticks, wire for cucs and pole beans. Water often and mulch.
  • Container gardening: the size of a container should match size of the grown plant.
  • Containers have holes in the bottom with broken clay shards or inch of pebbles for drainage.
  • Use sterilized potting soil, NOT GARDEN SOIL, and mix with equal parts peat and vermiculite or pearlite.
  • Water containers often.
  • A dry finger several inches down means it needs water.

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