Tiny House Clothing Storage

Tiny House Clothing Storage

Our camper is small and as full time RV dwellers, our camper is our home. Living tiny means rethinking the...

The Ever Useful 5 Gallon Bucket

The Ever Useful 5 Gallon Bucket

How useful is the ubiquitous 5 gallon bucket? Let me count the ways. But first a shout out to The...

Life Lessons From My Foxfire Buddy

Life Lessons From My Foxfire Buddy

A recollection from Sandy’s past. When I first moved to Appalachia, one of my closest neighbors, Sam, was a man...

Minimize Everything!

Minimize Everything!

Much has been published about the culture and lifestyle of minimizing and it is well worth your time spent researching...

Minimize Sinks and Chairs

Minimize Sinks and Chairs

Why have so many sinks, when they serve the same purpose? Some people think it’s disgusting to brush your teeth...

Maximize Use Efficiencies (or Minimize Inefficiencies)

Maximize Use Efficiencies (or Minimize Inefficiencies)

It is amazing how much energy is used by an incandescent light bulb compared to a LED bulb. On a...
